Tuesday 27 October 2009

Development of Cultures Project

Through the reading week I finished off my research for my cultures project in order for me to focus on the development side of things in the coming weeks. I found that as I was researching I got over excited and covered almost everything under the sun, not always a bad thing as it means I now have more to work with but the problem is I dont know where to start my development. The tutors have put us into little groups for the textiles in practise and this week Im working on Print which im really enjoying because its a good challenge thinking about colour and composition all at once. In my research I have looked at the Chintz, Paisley patterns, Tartan, Chinoiserie, Japanese Kimonos and many other cultural patterns. I will post up some pictures of my sketchbook pages when my scanner decides to be my friend again. Also i will by the end of the week show my stages of development through print.

Bye x

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