Thursday 28 October 2010

Dissertation Mind Map

For my Dissertation, I propose to research the Topic Consumerism. Within Consumerism I would like to cover consumer culture, Production of products, The influences of media, technology and designers have on consumers. As a textile designer I will look more along the lines of fashion and how textile designers can design ways to make a product sustainable. Some Key words which I find make up consumerism is Fashion, Trend, Production, Media, Culture, Sustainability, Designers, Ethical.

This is a small mind map of my ideas on consumerism. I will expand on each section when I have done more research on the subject. Some of these points I found very interesting when I had the discussion with my group. The video's which I watched in my lectures inspired me to do consumerism as I found it very interesting to learn how people are influnced to buy what they buy. Also my Fair Trade wiki topic related to consumerism which i also found interesting and would like to persue in this topic of production and consumerism.

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