Monday 21 March 2011

Allocating jobs

For our business plan we gave each member of our groups jobs.
We looked at each others disciplines and strong points for each job.

Ailsa and I did the market research side for our business. We worked together as we are both reflectors and are textile based. We looked into skills which would benefit a post consumer such as knitting,sewing and mending which we could offer ourselves.

Ruth and Karen are graphic designers and we thought they would be best for doing the advertisement and visual identity side of things. They had to keep in mind our business plan and try to show it in a simple logo.

Graeme is based in IED which made him the right person for doing the interior and exterior sketches for our idea. He had to keep in mind the space which a bus has and how we could expand the size to accommodate large amounts of people and working space for the workshop.

Jennifer looked at the finance. She is good at spread sheets and has a good mind for money so we thought she would be perfect for the job.

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