Friday 12 March 2010

Design Issues in Starbucks

Is Starbucks a higher classed franchise?

How do Starbucks expand their empire?

These are the two questions which I am going to explore. After a discussion in my seminar last friday, I am still confused to whether Starbucks is a higher classed franchise than likes of McDonalds or other fast food shops. In the seminar we were saying that Starbucks is aimed at a higher classed market due to the layout, atmosphere, and the type of people who go to starbucks. The layout of the starbucks is more inviting than mcDonalds as it has the comfy couches which makes a customer feel as though they are at home. The atmosphere was quite calm while i was observing it, although it was very busy. There wasnt enough spaces and the place was quite crammed. The tables were mainly for groups of two which is very inconvienient for families who have children or parties of more than 3. Maybe Starbucks designed the layout this way for people to come in smaller groups such as business type people and for people who want a space which is more peaceful. When I think of starbucks I think of people in Book shops or libraries with a cup of coffee and a book. This may be the reason why people think that Starbucks is aimed at the higher classed. Altough it may seem that Starbucks is aimed at a higher market I feel places like Mcdonalds all serve the same purpose therefore I dont feel that there is a market difference between them. There is a difference which I could compare in the two businesses which is the age market because I think it is more likely for someone in their late teens to drink a cup of coffee than it is for a child/toddler to do so.

How do starbucks expand their empire?
Starbucks uses many different ways to make their business grow. The theme within all the Starbucks is the same. The general atmosphere and lighting is warm and inviting. You could go in a starbucks in Scotland and go in one half way across the world and it would still give you this feeling. The recurring colour of green appearing on all their products and even the aprons which the employees wear makes Starbucks instantly recognisable. They provide a fast and efficient service which is very appealing for take away service for people on the go or people who want to sit and enjoy their coffee for hours. They provide internet service making it convienient for business men on their lunch breaks. All these points show why Starbucks is so successful in expanding their empire.

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